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Wat Tha Phra Neighborhood Walk

This month I finally managed to join the Bangkok Photographers Group Walk again.

Due to various reasons, I couldn't join the earlier ones held this year.

The chosen area, Wat Tha Phra neighborhood, was completely unknown to me, therefore an additional bonus.

The weather was not too hot, the light not too bright, excellent!

Meeting and greeting locals.

And asking permission to take their pictures.

But textures, script, and faded advertising caught my eye as well.

Cheers, but a bit too early for me!

Gaudy letterbox...

The sudden photoshoot in their neighborhood intrigued this family.

He was happy to show his tuk-tuk.

Photographer Nassim in full action!

Funnily enough, he'd explained the 'Dutch Angle' to me earlier, as I wasn't familiar with that expression.

Only later I realized that my pic of him was shot accordingly...

"Good morning Sir"

I was lucky to be the first photographer because she immediately disappeared as soon as she saw more coming!

For some reason, I often take pictures from high up...

The hood of an old car!

The house looked pretty derelict, but the wiring seemed ok.

A mirror selfie to finish this post!

And here is the official Bangkok Photographers Group version of the walk:

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