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Walking Around Bang Pho 2

The photographers' group started spreading out and falling apart which was perfect.

We all knew the end destination anyway, the coffee shop at Taopoon, and there was no time limit.

A lot of open households everywhere.

I spotted this in an old phone booth.

Khao Laam (sticky rice in bamboo) delivery.

Thai spirits love 'nam deng'!

Shop cats observing potential customers.

Fading ads...

Three times 'hello'.

Cables and colours...

The lady in green.

Siesta time!

Why are you looking at me?

Car window reflection.

Simple but effective!

Lots of these weird wooden thingies at a Chinese shrine, no idea about their purpose...

Moldy walls are good for some plants.

These glass 'balls' can be found in the mouths of lion statues at Chinese shrines.

Here she is once more!

And a heavily filtered selfie to finish this series!

Here's the magazine of the group with the results of the walk:

2 Kommentare

ray storey
ray storey
20. Okt. 2024

Another fine set, KK. You get some great stuff on these outings.

Gefällt mir
28. Nov. 2024
Antwort an

Thanks Ray, i always make an effort 😁

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